just watching Obama's farewell speech, page-17

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    The cringe is your own because you only accept one side of the story, the Hard Right conservative side of the story.

    No-one is perfect and dealing with the Republican caused GFC would have been no easy task for anyone. It seems if reports are true Obama opted to not let the wall street house
    of cards collapse following the GFC. Its a complex issue too complex for me to understand whether a better approach was possible.

    However, Obama was re-elected in 2012 after his first four years winning both the popular vote and the electoral college vote so the American public actually endorsed his performance in the first four years the years that he is being predominantly criticised for by his OPPONENTS. Obama also is now leaving with higher approval ratings than the norm.

    In contrast his replacement Trump failed to win the popular vote so can never match Obama, is already mired in controversy and scandal even before he takes office. Yet the Hard Right conservatives fawn over him like he is the messiah instead of the dubious egotistical bombastic character that he is.

    We now have the world twittering about the President elect and golden showers.
    That does not give cause for any confidence in what is to come imo.
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