AGS 0.00% 17.5¢ alliance resources limited

director selling the reason cause market panic, page-23

  1. 2,257 Posts.
    You can gloss it up anyway you see fit Tibbs, but as you are an experienced trader, you do indeed know that all Directors are bound by the Company's Constitution to 'at all times act in the best interests of the shareholders in the company'.
    Here-in lies my beef -
    I'll repeat as follows:

    'The facts state that within 5 days of answering an official 'please explain' ASX query on a rapid price decline in the AGS SP, to which the Company replied 'No Idea', we now find out that a Director of the Company further over-burdened/pressured the weakened market with a personal sale of around 250,000 FPO's'

    That fact points out as to who is misleading who here!
    In my opinion he, or the Company, has a case to answer to shareholders and/or the ASX.

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