just watching Obama's farewell speech, page-48

  1. 9,853 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Newflash: G W Bush also "doubled the US debt of all the combined presidents before him in 2 terms", and Obama had Bush's multi-trillion-dollar war and the GFC to deal with. Despite this Obama still managed to cut the Republican deficit by around 2/3rds - a titanic achievement.

    Your debt figures appear to be wrong (and lacking units) - this says US average household debt is US $90,336 while this says Australian average household debt is AUD $245,000 - or roughly double the US figure at USD $183,064.

    Further, many developed countries around the world (especially Australia) are groaning under increasingly high private debt - I suppose Australian's massively high mortgages are Obama's fault as well?

    So you see, your incorrect, ideologically-motivated talking points turn to dust when exposed to the harsh light of the facts. And so it is with 99% of the Right-wing verbiage on this website.
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