Donald Trump inauguration: four protest buses for every bus of attendees, page-8

  1. 85,882 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    no, I don't think she is - and I would have preferred someone completely different - but, the fact is - they have ended up with a raving loonie

    At least with Clinton, people had some sort of idea of what they would get ------------- that has always been the problem with Trump --

    no one knows what he is capable of ------------ no one.

    That is just one enormous risk for a position like that - and what he has shown so far is that he is completely irresponsible and unpredictable ---

    that is the risk

    the problem is - if he turns out to be amazingly bad --------- how the hell do you get rid of him (legally) -- impeachment takes a bit of time ----------- and, having an idiot at the steering wheel - you only need seconds for it to drive everyone over the cliff.

    At least in Australia - if you ended up with a complete dangerous dud - your own party can remove you ------ it mightn't be perfect - but, it's now crystal clear that it's a whole lot better than the US system - where this turkey has the power as Commander in Chief - and if he doesn't agree with his Secretary of Defense - he can sack them - and keep sacking them until he finds as big an idiot as himself----------

    now - tell me that isn't a risk with a bloke like Trump !

    I reckon he is going to turn out to be either a complete genius or a complete bloody idiot - with not much chance of anything in between - but, the point is --------- it is a very dangerous game to find out which is which.

    So far - the odds on complete idiot are shortening every day.

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