howard appealing to the popular vote, page-2

  1. 8,265 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    one could argue he is doing what is right?

    BTW.......they are also trying to save the Murray Darling basin ...which the Sates will not agree with.

    They are trying to implement a national edeucation standard......which the states are disagreeing with

    I could go on BUT.......i am more then happy with Mr Howard as PM

    we have the lowest unemployment rate in over 30 tears

    highest employment in 30 years

    lower personal income taxes

    and more importantly we have had NO terror attacks on Australia.

    I am yet to see a country survive through weakness......respect through strength!

    He not only has a Polictical role an dagenda but Australia has a world presence now which requires committments on many levels.

    We intervened in Timor....freed them

    Plus many other places in the Pacific and elsewhere in the world we make a valued contribution.

    Iraq is simply one of those.

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