Hi Notty_Investor and all,
Many thanks for the article, most interesting I think if Mr Donald Trump is serious about returning to a Gold backed currency he had best keep away from open topped cars for a while.
If you check out the bottom right hand corner of the USA debt clock in real time you will see the figure for the dollar to Gold ratio now sits at $8,958.00. This is the reflection of the year on year increase in M2 money divide by the annual Gold production in ounces.
Returning to some kind of Gold backing may go some way to restoring faith in the US dollar; however, at present I can’t see Mr Trump taking any kind of action that would lead to a stronger dollar as he wishes to increase their production and exporting of goods. Maybe once he has restored America to its former glory he may have another look at it. One thing I do know is Mr Donald Trump accepts Gold as money as he did recently for a rental agreement deposit.
Of course I hope I’m wrong and that the USA is one of the first countries to back their currency with Gold; however, I feel China and or Russia may at least be thinking of it.
Everyone seems to have forgotten about the situation in Greece and the fact that the 20th of February 2017 is not all that far away!
Cheers and very best regards: Andy
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