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Come On Now, page-10

  1. 3,636 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1021
    The below is taken directly off OBJ's website and some 'potential products' have been there under a decade and others over a decade! So far, OBJ Management have delivered a very small fraction of what they have been telling Shareholders over the decade +. Tick. Tock.

    Anyone for a MicroArray hairbrush? Where are all these products already? Tick. Tock.

    We move @ a snail's pace and our Director's complain about living out of a suitcase in order to secure another 10 million shares? More equity for BOD after the BOD can demonstrate multiple income streams, transparency, delivery of past promises, new partnership agreements and did I mention transparency?

    They really are taking far too long for cosmetic applications, which was supposed to take a hell of alot less time than pharmaceutical. Why is this? The BOD needs help imo:

    'OBJ provides partnering services and product solutions for next generation technologies in:
    • Transdermal and Intra-Dermal drug delivery
    • Therapeutic and dermatological skincare
    • Cosmetic and non-medicinal active ingredient with a special focus on anti-aging and peptide delivery
    • Oral health strips, advanced toothbrush technologies and mouthguards
    • Haircare solutions utilising enhanced brushes and applicators
    • High penetration surface hygiene technologies
    • Fabric and carpet cleaning technologies
    • Advanced industrial surface interface systems'
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