just diagnosed with Adult ADHD.. Can anyone here relate to any of this rant(pre warned)

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    Just got diagnosed at the age of 29 a basically ive thought for a while i could read patterns and recognize things others cant do so well, it isnt with every single thing, i need to be interested in it to do it and it needs to have some maths to it or behavior/pattern to it. I feel like a professional chartist would obviously know more then me... but i could do what i know almost instantly though, with no software

    Here is where it gets interesting... I think ive learned how to chart.... Just by looking at them.... I can evaluate a stock instantly based on its chart and its volume without any study what so ever... Here is the question i have for any of you with ADHD and taking ADVANTAGE of this. I don't think im the only one.... Help me harness it send me a pm if you can.  I have tested it... I am fairly confidant about it, but do have anxiety and not enough capital atm(newborn child and my dad just died) I am looking for reassurance.. from someone else, am i just a nutcase thinking i know something or am i seeing the patterns that look like they indicate a price going up or down. Ofcourse i would have to sit all day like any day trader to execute this as volumes can change at any time or get good with stop losses (never used them) and change a situation on a chart but i think some of you will know what im saying hopefully.

    I left school in year 8 after my step dad killing himself and my mum losing the plot and not beign able to do homework or read all the crap they wanted me to do ( i was also in a wheelchair and had both feet fused in multiple places in year 6, ... But somehow ended up getting what i thought was addicted, but i was actually hyper focused on it(i ended up #1 worldwide for my class mage in wow for all you gamers if you exist on here) During my gaming phase i was making a little money so i went to invest without knowing a thing... This was years ago 10 years? back when sundance resources  went from under 10 cents to 70-80 cents quickly with there iron ore i found out about sundance by skimming pages of rsearch and doing a valuation of its iron ore at the time and the fact they looked likely of selling off or actually mining it at that point. i simply looked at charts and picked up on what people were saying evey now and then.. I only invested 1500$ so i had a 4 bagger on my first ever share as i sold at 60ish cents. I bought myself a new computer with the cash after investing for maybe 1-2 more months when shouldve just kept it all in there and used it to invest but i  lost complete interest even though i made money... My 1 focus was gaming again nothing else... I didnt care and i was in a housing commision house with a highly dysfunctional home now on a  disability pension i was born with severe bilateral club feet, so i cant walk much at all which is why i didnt get diagnosed as a kid... i had good pattern recognition... I learned my times table by myself in a couple minutes by recognizing patterns and ive known it ever since.. Things like that. I can read body language... If people are lieing etc i did security and it was VERY helpful trait. http://totallyadd.com/5-superpowers-of-adhd/ i managed to luck out and get all 5 super powers...  but when non diagnosed, you cant focus, you cant read anything unless you love it and want it BADLY like nothing else and that is hyper focus mode

    Hope there is someone out there who can fast track me with ADHD or give me some info. I have only just learned that i could actually do this after being diagnosed.... I am now realizing that my ferrari brain was missing afew parts.. Felt like i just got out of a cage and i was in it my whole life lol..... Going to be a very interesting next 10 years... Going to need to make up for my zero education by making a fortune on the stock market.

    If you'd like to know what im currently interested in and hold small parcels of(i bought these shares before my diagnoses after some research on here/other internet, market caps, volumes, expected news... Very interested in cobalt to.

    My goal  is to simply find stocks i think will go up anyway no  matter what happens, regardless of its current chart.. I look at the chart, but initially i seem to care more about new volume/HYPE, estimated market caps based off resource value, current director/staff.. Then base my buy in and my sales off my charting thing that i think ive magically worked out...  That is my plan.

    Just a big tip for those in the lithium market... Go look up the newest tech in Remote control technology... I knew about the lithium boom about 7 years ago when i bought one of the first RC cars with a lithium battery and brushless motors in drills and everything else in the world they were also in the new rc cars before any other tech. Right now they have upgrade lithium to  lith/graphene and they are 30% better. This market doesnt work so well now with tech advances but just a cool little fact...

    11k invest up 2k s have 13 k currently.. I was anxious so even though i am risk taking in small caps i did do research for potential and i plan on playing with RMX and trying my first short term trades as that looks juicy atm to my eyes for some reason.... is 5 k enough.

    RMX half of my cash is in this, undervalued imo borg onboard right market... Good looking chart. Alot of nice things.
    IAM i was almost a bagger but have held because im not watching them.. IAM chart did look a little bearish a couple weeks back and it was ...
    BRN AI chip nuff said...
    AXE SA Graphene/manganese/cobalt maybe them batteries..
    AGY- Hoping for news to be honest.
    BGS- Its under value right now.....

    Sorry for the rant i  just got diagnosed yesterday arvo and i still cant believe all the things i have been dealing with this whole time... Felt like i was in a cage and they threw away the key.... Now i have got the key back and my mind is clearing up..  I am remembering all the things i picked up on when i got hyper focused on the stock market at 18 y/o briefly... Good times. Glad i could never read a book but at least have that.. Need to get my focus back into the stock market or i wont be able to stand it.. That is the first task.

    The first day of the rest of my life. Any help is much appreciate and any flaws in my idea please let me know, so i can try learn as much as i can.

    If this is on the wrong page let me know, just tying to make something of myself.... No bullshit. Ive got a year 8 education because of my bad upbringing and disabilities... I am currently on disability with no job prospect and ive got a 9 month old baby to a women im driving insane due to my ADHD issues. I hope with this ADHD diagnoses i might be able to find something suited to someone who is physically and mentally disabled( i cant do a job i dont like it will cause serious issues and il just walk out etc due to have zero attention span into boring things.. )


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