One Nation support soars to 23 per cent, page-7

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    So far Ms Hanson has made the right moves by dumping candidates that could potentially damage the Party...that fool that tweeted anti gay messages, the fool that accused Ms Hanson of being James Ashby's puppet, the fool that reckoned the Port Arthur massacre was a staged event, and the latest I heard was a candidate who was refusing to pay for their portion of an advertising campaign was being shown the door.

    Fortunately once again Ms Hanson's is up against the totally hopeless and policy free Palaschuk ALP "Government"...the trade unions friends who have managed to wreck the state in less than two years...undoing all the good work done by the previous LNP.

    I just hope the majority of people in Qld realise their stupid mistake by voting in a Government with no ideas and no policies.
    The jobs jobs jobs garbage that Ms Palaschuk bleated has led to an Anna Bligh type explosion of public service jobs that is bleeding the state's finances dry.

    Oh how good would it be if One Nation won more seats than that bunch of parasites that make up the ALP / Green coalition...go Pauline.
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