Better solution to suppress investors?, page-134

  1. 8,436 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 166
    I didn't necessarily say we had to cut out negative gearing, I said it should be looked at and changed in some way. How...well I don't know but I'm not a fan of people with multiple properties who are using the equity to buy the next property and making it hard for FHB's.
    Personally, I love to see property prices fall and those greedy people hit the wall with debt. I have no sympathy for greed.

    Hey Universal Trader, I fail to see the relevance of shares vs a roof over someone's head to raise a family. Surely a home to start a family in is more important than shares?

    I can't afford BRK Class A shares but I'm not complaining. Own the Class B instead

    I just want to see people get a fair go at getting a roof over their head, particularly those in lower income jobs.
    Mr name isn't Joe Hockey you know

    I believe APRA should step in and increase their 10% rule. Take the pressure off the RBA trying to do all the heavy lifting.
    I doubt the market ever will tank because our banks have too much exposure. We'd have to see a large jump in unemployment...which isn't out of the question imo.

    Maybe we are headed towards a Japanese style economy, entrenched in deflation/stagnation.
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