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    Shares race: Chartist's satellite communications pick goes gangbusters

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    Richard Pritchard, who plays as the Chartist, has stormed ahead in week one of the new four-week Shares Race.
    The Australian sharemarket finished the week with the S&P/ASX 200 at just over 5700 points, about where it started the week.
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    Sky and Space Global pays off for Richard Pritchard. Photo: Bloomberg
    Pritchard won the last round with a bold tilt to gold miners, and this week's flat market has not held him back.
    Proving he's no one-hit wonder, he has grown his original $100,000 to $110,269 with a more broadly diversified portfolio this time around.
    His best-performing stock is Sky and Space Global, with his original $10,000 worth $13,704.
    The company says its first nano-satellites for communications are expected start being launched in 2018.
    That news appears to have been behind the share price hurtling from about 8¢, where it's been for most of this year, to almost 20¢ now.
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