Another chilling echo from the past, page-61

  1. 1,372 Posts.
    I can't agree with everything but only because there is so much conflicting information out there. At least you have obviously researched and don't take the 'common knowledge' 'public knowledge' as gospel. You think for yourself which is what this current 'cultural libertarian' movement actually is. Its not a 'extremist right wing' movement as the liberal far left would like you to believe. Thinking is extreme to them. It is a rise of researchers. An awakening of sorts. If there is one thing i have learned over the years it is that 'common knowledge' is usually wrong. Its common for a reason; because it was brainwashed into the masses. That alone should entice us to do our own research. In order to make something 'common knowledge' can you imagine the amount of resources and propaganda that needs to be undertaken. So why for the Jewish and not for the Irish as an example. We say the Irish had a famine. They didn't. It was genocide by any definition of the word. The British even practiced the tactic in India. We have British politicians complaining the famine wouldn't kill enough. So what puts Jew on this pedestal above the Irish. Or the Africans. Or the Congolese. Or the Cambodians. Etc. etc. etc. etc. I don't put them on the pedestal they put themselves on and that somehow makes me an anti-Semite. Funnily enough only to Zionists who are the real Anti-Semites. So the Irish had a "famine" while being one of the biggest exporters of food in the world at the time. All the food was being taken at gunpoint by the british army.

    So i don't know if you are right. I know i'm not right. None of us can be %100 correct. All i do know is that the story we were all told growing up is mostly BS; and any discussion of the Holocaust other than to show sympathy is labeled Holocaust Denial; because it is illegal and it is the best way to shut down conversation. Like everything the media pushes on us. If its false, 'use dirty tactics to shut down conversation'. I mean what ever happened to free speech??

    From Wiki: "
    Holocaust denial is illegal in 14 European countries. Of the countries that ban Holocaust denial, some, such as Austria, Germany, Hungary, and Romania, were among the perpetrators of the Holocaust, and many of these also ban other elements associated with Nazism, such as the expression of Nazi symbols.
    In several nations such as the United Kingdom and the United States, laws against Holocaust denial have come up in legal discussion and have been proposed, but the measures have been rejected. Organizations representing groups that have been victimized during the Holocaust have generally been split about such laws. In the United States, the First Amendment to the country's Constitution establishes freedom of expression and protects virtually all speech.

    I'm the furthest thing from right wing @ninelives. In fact i'm the real left. The only thing in the world i'm intolerant of is the MSM. And anyone who furthers their agenda. The willfully ignorant basically and you will see that consistency in everything i post.............. Everything i've ever wrote here or on facebook or twitter proves i'm as left as they come. I'm just not the brainwashed extreme left, and, right now like so many other awake lefties i'm distancing myself from the lunatics who have gone so far left as to be extreme. I'm the left helping to pull us back closer to center.
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