
  1. 2,753 Posts.
    Thought you might find Bin Laden's observations on the economic cost to the US of the 911 attack in Oct 01 interesting.

    "I say the events that happened on Tuesday 11th September on New York and Washington, that is truly a great event in all measures, and it's claims until this moment are not over and are still continuing. And if the fall of the towers, with the twins on it's head, was an event that was huge, then consider the events that followed it... let us talk about the economic claims [tadaa`iyat iqtisaadiyah], which are still continuing. According to their own admissions, the share of the losses on the Wall Street Market reached 16%. They said that this number is a record, which has never happened since the opening of the market more than 230 years ago. This large collapse has never happened. The gross amount that is traded in that market reaches 4 trillions dollars. So if we multiply 16% with $4 trillion to find out the loss that affected the stocks, it reaches $640 billion of losses from stocks, with Allah's grace (subhannahu wa ta`aala). So this amount, for example, is the budget [miizaniyah] of Sudan for 640 years. They have lost this, due to an attack that happened with the success of Allah lasting one hour only. The daily income of the American nation is $20 billion. The first week they didn't work at all due to the psychological shock of the attack, and even until today some don't work due to the attack. So if you multiply $20 billion by 1 week, it comes out to $140 billion, and it is even bigger than this. If you add it to the $640 billion, we've reached how much? Approximately $800 billion. The cost of the building losses and construction losses? Let us say more than $30 billion. Then they have fired or liquidated until today, or a couple of days ago, from the airline companies more than 170,000 employees. That includes cargo plane companies, and commercial airlines, and American studies and analysis have mentioned that 70% of the American people even until today still suffer from depression and psychological trauma, after the incident of the two towers, and the attack on the Defense Ministry, the Pentagon - thanks to Allah's grace (subhannahu wa ta`aala). One of the well-known American hotel companies, Intercontinental, has fired 20,000 employees - thanks to Allah's grace (subhannahu wa ta'aala). Those claims cannot be calculated by anyone due to their very large scale, multitude and complexity - and it is increasing thanks to Allah's grace (subhannahu wa ta`aala) - so watch as the amount reaches no less than $1 trillion by the lowest estimate ..."

    Bin Laden understands precisely where America's soft underbelly is. With the further multiple trillions Bush has blown creating more terrorism in Iraq and elsewhere since then, Bush has danced helplessly and compulsively to Bin Laden's tune.

    He and the mujaheddin bled the Soviet Union economically in Afghanistan as part of Brezinszki's deliberate plan which Brezinzski *still* refuses to regret, and now for Bin Laden, it's the turn of the US:

    We believe that the defeat of America is possible, with the help of God, and is even easier for us -- God permitting -- than the defeat of the Soviet Union was.

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