fed alp now 20 pcent ahead in polls, page-92

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    I didn't notice his shoulder twitching as you and another describe Mistyrains, but I had my telescope focussed on MR. Howard's left nostril during the Kerry Kerry Kerry interview, (I am prone to do that in case I miss something) and his fifty first hair in the left nostril was definitely twitching. Just a millionth of a centimetre - but a definite twitch. Ominous that!!
    Can't trust ANYONE with a twitchy nose hair. LOL

    Really, what analytical rubbish is spruiked these days.

    Oh for the good old days, when the media didn't churn out reams of useless and senseless rubbish to keep themlselves in a job or a trashy magazine in circulation, when we only ever heard our pollies on the radio, and when every i dot and t cross wasn't endlessly pored over, analyzed, summated, critiqued, and weighed up in someone's usually flawed estimation -endlessly interpreted to fit their own end agenda or political viewpoint. Which is then pontificated to us poor sods in the appropriately colored news rag.

    Oh for the good old simple days. When our lives were NOT controlled and dominated by media and gadgets.
    And endless, meaningless, CHATTER.

    Why do we have to MAKE somone. Wny can't we just accept them, warts and all.

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