CGB 0.00% 2.1¢ cann global limited

Medical cannabis stocks are all the rage, but it's a bubble, page-4

  1. 4,326 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 461

    Probably written by someone who has missed the boat or wants to get in for cheap. Such a lame article with no substance. Why isn't anything said about MCL and it's business operations before it even gets the licence? You see from the SCU jump everyone is just seeing this as a quick dash for cash. At 2.4c I know where the value lies. It's also pretty common for one business to buy others.. Sol Pattinson buying a stake in HH and HH owning 8 million of FBR comes to mind...

    You don't want to buy in then don't. If you're down ramping so you can short or so you can buy in cheaper caus you know the truth then we can see it coming.

    But if you want to invest in a company that does have a future in MM and already has a past in Hemp and you see it potential not just to make money for shareholders but to open up new jobs and industry and provide for people who could really benefit from its medical properties then come on board. Get behind it.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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