Dutch Election, page-207

  1. 18,302 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    Einstein - I do know 'what the Q'ran states' but also know it is a majority religion in many of the countries who have suffered under the combined Western effort to get at their natural resources. As with our religions, most 'believers' probably do not know the finer detail of the contents of their holy texts, but can be roused into fervour by the right (or rather 'wrong') preacher.

    "They" are not going to love their former enemies no matter what. Hating them back because of their religion is not the answer.

    Integration of foreign people into a native population is always difficult and takes at least 1 generation. I believe we should coolly assess what is happening here - and also accept that we cannot turn the clock back.

    Make laws which effect some control over who can be a preacher (expose him to the migration country's culture by testing him that he has language skills and an understanding of the culture - test at the end of - say - 1 year and then issue him with a licence to preach - and impose some checks).
    Inform all newcomers of our laws and expected behaviour. Certainly do not take down the cross or other signs of our faith in schools or public places (as has happened in various places in Europe) - Christianity is our faith, it is the majority religion which Western culture was built on.

    Help integrate their children, forbid 'special schools' and kindergartens - make provisions for their prayer needs in our schools. However: I am also totally against any sort of special schools even the elitist ones for our own children; there should be one education system, and special education streams can be formed for gifted children, which btw already exist for arts and music but should include the sciences.

    Let them wear their nighties and 'fabulous hats' - good for a laugh - their children will shame them into being banished to Sunday or Friday wear.

    I have seen some of the older generation Muslims in Austria, husband and wives seem closer and short of holding hands, they walk together, socialise openly in parks (and on waiting benches in front of tramways etc. - n u i s a n c e) - they still wear their nighty gear though -

    A tongue-in-cheek comment:
    to all the guys who have a jaundiced view of our Western women; have you considered how cheap it is to have a Muslim woman for a wife? no hairdresser, no expensive fashion clothes, no fingernail extensions, no mountains of illustrated 'manuals' for innumerable shopping expeditions .......... Western capitalism is partly built on Western woman's lifelong need for ever new clothes, furniture, household gadgets! Muslim women have to get their husbands to buy all these!
    May the force of goodwill be with you
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