uni shooting, page-67

  1. 986 Posts.
    Australian Officials Recklessly Endanger Martin Bryant’s Life

    Compare these two startling breaches of security with far more serious injuries that “happened” in December 2000. On that occasion Martin Bryant was suddenly frog-marched to the distant remand wing of Risdon Prison, where he was found some time later with serious stab wounds. One particular wound in his thigh had cut down almost as far as the femoral artery, and required ten stitches. Martin Bryant, most dangerous and hated prisoner in Australia, was NOT bundled down to the Royal Hobart Hospital for a “check up”. A doctor was called to the hospital and repaired Martin on the spot. This is proper procedure for a high-risk prisoner.
    To summarize, Martin Bryant has been incarcerated inside Risdon Prison without a break since early 1996, a period of more than seven years. In all that time he has been subject to incredibly high security, and never been allowed outside the walls. Then all of a sudden, starting on 21 June 2003, security is removed to the point where he is driven in a bus to the Royal Hobart Hospital along an insecure route, not once but twice in two weeks, for trivial injures inflicted by two different men. The media widely report both incidents. Why?
    The most likely answer to anyone with ant-terrorist experience, is a genuinely chilling scenario that should be of concern not only Martin Bryant, but also to the prison officers who escort him, and to their wives and families. Bryant is the only man alive who can tell the Australian people in open court exactly what happened to him in the days and hours leading up to his arrival at Seascape Cottages, and who was involved in luring him there. Hard forensic evidence has already cleared him of any presence at Port Arthur. As pressure grows for Martin Bryant to be given his day in court, he becomes a greater and greater risk to the professional killers who were really behind the horrific mass murder at Port Arthur. They would sleep a lot easier if he were dead.
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