A Swedish man speaks out about Sweden

  1. 1,206 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 56
    "Donald Trump is 100% right about Sweden. The Islamization of Sweden have now gone so extremely far so me and my family and a lot more have had to flee abroad because of this totally irresponsible mass immigration of new Islamists every day that commit 90% of all the crimes, rapes, murders, robberies, abuses, asaults etc, that have increased 3400% since this mass immigration began.

    But although 93% of the ethnic Swedes are absolutely terrified and do not want this mass immigration of Islamists because they destroys the life for 100 000 thousands of Swedish families every year just because we are not muslims. But our left wing dictatorial government don't even let us vote about this muslim mass immigration, they don't even let us vote for if we would allowed them to build Islamic schools, mosques, halal stores or call to prayers all day long so it sounds over the hole city's ect.

    In a democracy it's the voice of the people who decides, but our dictatorial Leftwing globalist government forces the Swedish population to something that the majority of the population don't want and that is called a dictatorship and nothing else and it´s controlled from EU and the globalist Jewish bankers that controls EU.

    The muslims have a totally different religion, customs, traditions, upbringing, totally different look on women and lived after Sharia laws, so it's such a big culture clash for them come here and see the way we live in our modern, civilised, equal Society so it is such a huge culture shock for them to come here so they neither can nor want to adapt, so they require that we must adapt to them.

    Every day several Muslim organizations and mosques demonstrations in our streets and squares where those screams that everyone in Sweden and around the world must become Muslims and that everyone must live after Sharia laws throughout the whole world, that all women should wear the hijab / burqa, banning alcohol, prohibit bacon, banning dogs, prohibit nightclubs, pubs and they scream that every non muslims must be killed. They commit 80times more rapes than a Swedish man and muslim gangs are driving arround and gang rape our wommen because the cora says It´s okey to rape our women and even take them as sexslaves because they show their hair and skin and they kill us just because we are not muslims.

    All the mosques are recruiting and financing ISIS, Boko Haram and so on but our police doesn't do nothing.

    They have Islamicized all newspapers as journalists and all political parties as politicians and, television, radio and schools ect so it is now impossible to criticize Islam and immigration because then they call you racist, xenophobic and Islamophobic. Even though you are only talking about facts and statistics and that is not an even an opinion, it is called realism and is based on reality.

    Now 30% of our population are muslim immigrants, last year over 600 000 muslims come to Sweden, a country with 10 million people (6,2 million Ethnic Swedes) and the more that has come the more will follow. In only 6-7 more years they will be over 50% off the population, but even now it´s born more muslims childs than Ethnic Swedish children every year so even if we now close the borders it´s to late. My blood goes back in Sweden for 1000 of years, my ancestors built this country generation after generation but this government let the muslims come and take control over Sweden through mass immigration, mainstream media and political correctness.

    Europe can no longer guarantee the safety of there own people and the more muslims they will let in the more of us they are going to continue to kill in their daily terrorist attacks and they will never stop until they have achieved there global kalifat and made us all muslims through there jihad."
    Last edited by scratch: 31/03/17
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