Derryn Hinch tells millennials that owning a home is a dream, not a right, page-36

  1. 5,087 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Going to Crown Casino in Melbourne on a weekend night I see a lot of people who can't afford to buy a house, I see them poor young men and women, all very happy singing along, and drinking cocktails and whatever.
    How much is a cocktail? I think just under $30? WOW.
    And they all have the latest Phones, probably on cheap $90 plans with lots of data to facebook and whatever.
    I really feel sorry for this young ones they probably only drive brand new cars, and not a cheap Kia, they all need to keep up with the Jones.
    Us older people had it so easy, we bought cheap second hand TV, Washing Machines, Fridge, car, furniture, and our houses were not so big 12-15 squares only one bathroom.
    We were very lucky too that we were able to eat and drink at home and not forced to go to restaurants most of the time.
    Yes we were very lucky.
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