arasor international: introduction, page-30

  1. 22,691 Posts.
    re: laser televisions For immediate release 17 May 2007

    Arasor Enters into Strategic Agreement with SemIndia
    Arasor Internat ional Ltd. (ARR.AX) today announced that it has entered into a st rategic agreement with SemIndia, [ India’s leading integrated semiconductor ] company, to supply broadband access solut ions to BSNL, India’s largest telecommunicat ions service
    provider .

    "Under the terms of the st rategic agreement , Arasor wi l l init ial ly supply SemIndia with one mi l l ion broadband access terminal devices under a tender agreement that SemIndia secured f rom BSNL’s systems integrator that covers one thousand (1000)
    cit ies in India.
    According to indust ry sources, broadband access in India is expanding rapidly with est imates f rom consumer access to broadband expect ing to reach over 250 mi l l ion subscr ibers in the next couple years f rom the approximately 40 mi l l ion broadband
    subscr ibers today.

    Simon Cao, CEO of Arasor states, “By enter ing into this st rategic agreement with SemIndia, we are execut ing on our st rategy to secure a market leadership posit ion inIndia through of fer ing a var iety of communicat ions technologies and solut ions to BSNL.

    Bui lding on our init ial success in del iver ing wireless broadband access solut ions, Arasor wi l l star t del iver ing f ixed l ine broadband access solut ions to BSNL under this init ial cont ract which represents an excel lent beginning of our long term st rategic cooperat ion
    between two leading system-on-chip solut ion providers.”
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