505 Posts.
Yes I bought in recently believing the brands had turned the corner. Yes their marketing is very good just hoping it is cutting through.
I agree becoming a brand which isn't just surf is the future. People in surf industry never pay full price.
I am a believer but am worried about Australia and think they will have another clean out of mgnt. I believe they need to clean more dead wood out.
The Australian business needs to get leaner and hungrier like the USA.
Mgnt to often Comes up with a soft excuses. I thought excuses had ended but I guarantee they will come up with another one and I will lose my marbles.
Good companies don't do that they are ahead of curve and adjust stock , costs , inventory to ensure numbers are meet.
So Australia needs a kick up the arse
Bottomline CEO is good the brands are coming back and quality of product on the up
They need a new chairman and cfo in my opinion
I recon they miss earnings again but if not by much stock goes up if they miss by a bit then heads will roll and private equity will get more involved
With EV of say $425 mil means business is to cheap