Short Term Trading Weekend Lounge - 2- 4 June, page-75

  1. 2,345 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    Good on you @willyhill sounds like you've learnt well and in a timely fashion this FY. I'm sure it is a lot more than luck

    Lots of people here have asked this question before about where to find these companies and what filters people use, and I'll admit I used to think finding the companies is the easy part... I say that because as you have mentioned there are plenty of companies that come up here on a regular basis that definitely warrant further attention. However, one of the things I have learnt here, or at least there is a constant mention too is over diversifying is a sure way to remove larger gains in the portfolio. So I guess what I am trying to say is if that wasn't evident is be very selective. Someone told me something wise once, and that was along the lines that the hardest thing to do is to say no to money - that being, if you're already fully invested in something and it fits your risk, conviction, rules etc, don't go and lose the focus by selling that very stock/investment to chase the next hottest stock, or good deal.. Many of the wiser people have suggested they made most of their money by having a narrower investment mix....

    Alas I realise I haven't really answered your question, what I have merely done is add some of my own reflections that were provoked from your question. Particularly this FY as I know I've found some good stocks, and made some pretty good (I've made some sheet ones too) calls, but I didn't have the investment allocation right, or I was too busy chasing tons of other stocks.. One of the other things I have found is that I felt like I have always needed to have an allocation mix of spec and blue chips/mid cap stocks. But in all honesty I've lost just as much money or seen moves on the mid-cap stocks of the same, if not % of money lost... So I think I've ended up back full circle in realisation that my niche is probably better in the nano-caps and speculative stocks as opposed to the mid-caps or blue chips.

    So essentially, what I am trying to say (in a round-about way) is that finding the companies is actually the hard part. There are always going to be opportunities, but I think you have to narrow your own focus to what works for you. Maybe you actually did a lot right this FY to have not lost money. I think it's important you look at your trades as well to asses what went right.

    Anyway, I'm sure others will have lots of advice, but there are tons of good subscriptions/newsletters. LiveWire markets is probably a good start as it has a diverse group of writers, where you can find who you like and what fits with your style. But to be honest there are a ton of good posters on HC, most of them are here on this forum, but I would also definitely recommend the Brains Trust on XSO, there's usually good posters there..

    Some FA posters that come to mind who are very good at their trade in the mid-caps and larger cap valuation of stocks, and I know I will miss probably a few, (so apologies!):
    - @madamswer
    - @webbj
    - @Ivanovich
    - @nordesmic (if we are talking about gold development stories)

    But as I said you are probably already on the right track, and there's a lot of quality already here so hope i've helped and I know I will speak on behalf of @Freehold but don't be a stranger and post more often. Good luck!
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