Comey Speaks !, page-7

  1. 1,268 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    There is no evidence of Russian interference???
    Talk about selective hearing, selective reading and selective selection of events since Trump was elected.
    Comey explicitly said there was no doubt whatsoever that Russia interfered in the election, he also said the intelligence committee in front of him was well aware of the evidence and that it was refreshing to see bi-partisan support on this.

    People can't seriously think that evidence involving a foreign power will be shared with the general public in daily briefings.

    People closely associated with Trump have been forced to step aside because of this mess (Flynn, Manafort). So while there is (so far) no direct investigation into Trump people close to him are being investigated.

    I personally I'm sceptical that back then Trump had direct dealings with the Russians to help him win. Nevertheless his campaign team was staffed with some very capable operatives (Manafort and Stone have been around since the 60s and are part of the swamp Trump is supposed to drain. Stone is known for his special 'tactics') who are smart enough to understand you have to keep someone like Trump in the dark about that, otherwise you run the risk of another Twitter Storm.

    Now it doesn't matter anyway, we have a president who has himself admitted to fire Comey because of the Russian investigation. By the looks of it best case scenario he was reckless with his choice of words (I doubt it, Trump has spent enough time with lawyers to know words matter), worst case scenario he wanted the investigation dropped (watch for a follow up hearing from Coates and Rodgers after their evasive answers a few days ago). He just couldn't help himself, his ego took over; nothing could cast a shadow over that gigantic electoral college win.
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