GXY 0.00% $5.28 galaxy resources limited

Deutsche Bank & DSO, page-101

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2629
    Hi @graywolf

    Its been a while since I've had a post moderated.. Probably rightfully so as I don't have the ability to share some information.

    I have been told that if you look at the buys and sells over the past 7 days and then the past 3 days it will be glaringly obvious. If anyone had access specifically to yesterday that would be great also.

    Its a perfect storm and Galaxy are being hammered after a right royal rogering that's left the company limping a little but nothing that a bit of cream and delicate application cannot assist.

    You are right GW it is a complex situation involving manipulation, stop holds that I am told can be seen by some and its like putting a becon out saying "forget paying higher push down to me and I'll give you all this!"

    Unfortunately Galaxy consolidated and the market cannot understand why... I am still perplexed... I would have thought there would be something creative up management's sleeve but alas I was wrong.

    Funds will buy in at less than $1 because a good example is BlackRock did and we weren't consolidated then. - Is it time to call boloney on that reason? I bet BlackRock are over the moon with their investment.. Galaxy Resources, pride and place on the mantle piece..

    Whoever the company got its advice from regarding consolidation getting rid of manipulation ought to be taken out behind the chicken shed... I really hope that suggestion wasn't from Bacchus. - Does he work for us or Lepidico? I can't quite work that out... None of us can.. Even @airconditioner wants to see some action but the best we have is some carrot farmer considering changing his production method. - FFS

    We have people selling down to realise losses but not buying back in.. Traders with charts saying its going to go over whilst Rose and Jack are arms out on the bow and I am still trying to work out my Jack couldn't get on the raft and if Anthony has said screw this... I am going into Coal and Oil..

    It's the perfect storm for a take over, the problem is where as I thought it might be on Nemaska I've been told it appears more likely on us with Celine Dion banging out her greatest hits....

    So after having no plan post consolidation we could be looking at management being walked out of the door for what is just a perfect storm and a lack of a plan because someone lost the map. Reef ahead!

    How low can we go? Everyone is asking. With their heads down over their pieces only able to see the stop holds being popped one by one as the nervous Nellie's keep placing out their offerings to the trading gods that snatch them up with virgor and a greedy smile on their face..

    These people thought they were good and wholesome going to save the planet with these lithium stocks and give it to the man... Well think again because the man has turned up and is treating lithium stocks like a kitten with a woolen ball... It's just a day in the life.. Nothing extraordinary for them to see..

    Assume the position everyone...

    And maybe get something to bite down on...

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