The lack of detail regarding sales is terribly frustrating.
What percentage of sales are under the save and share model? What percentage of sales are under upfront payments?
I suspect over 90% would be upfront capex, which makes the sub $5m revenue referred to by
@fourdollars even more alarming (if he is correct??)
You will note per the FY16 Financial statements that if Vivid had ownership of Ilum-a-lite business for the full year it would have combined sales of around $7.8m.
If Vivid do around $5m this year (FY17), sales would have fallen by c.35% against the prior period. Management would have a lot of explaining to do!!
Enough with the vague announcements referring to MOU's etc with multinationals ... what is the impact on the top and bottom lines (Please) ... otherwise I fear that
@fourdollars is right and it will always trade cum raise.
The employee and administrative expenses are on course for in excess of $5m if you annualized the H1 FY17 expenses. This in my opinion is unsustainable for a company of this size with negative revenue growth.
The tech and energy savings appear to be legitimate and world class - the sales and management performance ... well you form your own view, but in doing so I would urge you look at the financial statements rather then the marketing spin.