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Ann: Cobalt X Acquisition Update, page-54

  1. 13,097 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 236
    As someone who was involved in that RAD/WBT thread debacle, including a lot of assumptions and misunderstanding from probably all parties, worth clarifying that I've dealt with GH commercially since then and have found him to be nothing but stand-up. Certainly a passionate investor and entrepreneur.

    This is all just personal experience and not a buy or sell recommendation for CHK.

    My understanding is also that GH is just a shareholder in CobaltX, not the vendor but i don't think that's relevant to whether this goes up or not. It's a play on cobalt run #2 in my view.

    Disclosure: i do not hold CHK and have no link to Cohiba or CobaltX, except for a parcel in the recent placement, which I ended up selling for a small profit.
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