Donald Trump Jr.’s emails put spotlight on publicist Rob Goldstone, page-20

  1. 1,268 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    The problem here Denk is that we have a foreign power openly going to bat for one side.
    I just don't understand why there are still people defending Trump on this.

    I am not defending Hillary at all, I couldn't care less if she goes to jail, but people are making fools of themselves by continuously pursuing that angle. Since when 2 wrongs make a right? How can people think that it is an intelligent argument?
    Of course the Dems looked for dirt on anyone on the other side of the aisle, I don't like it, I think that in every western country we have a race to the bottom in term of public debate but it is what it is. Take the dirt they got on Manafort from that Ukrainian woman, yes she had connections, yes it looks like she might even be linked to Ukrainian government figures but at no stage has anyone been able to even write a fake story on the Ukrainian government working in the background for Hillary. That's where the difference is and it is massive.

    Why aren't people worried that the election was actually tainted by foreign interference? Is it because their man won? What will happen if next time it's the Dems that benefit?
    Here we have every single enforcement agency saying that they are 100% convinced of Russian meddling, the heads of these agencies have all testified under oath that they believe Russia tried to influence the election, senior Republicans said they believe Russia was involved, France was and Germany is worried about Russian meddling, a small country like Estonia is literally seeing Russian hacking as an existential threat, Trump himself blamed Obama for not doing enough.....yet we continuously have people here and all over social media saying it is a beat up, a non story, fake news etc....that denial is what worries me, we are so partisan that nothing registers.

    That election was essentially won by 70,000 votes in 3 key states, we will never know what influence Putin's trolls had on influencing the people casting their vote, but I saw those fake stories, you saw it, it was just insane. Just spend some time looking at the profiles of people leaving comments on this topic on social media, I reckon a good 10% are bots/trolls if not more.

    Surely people want their vote to count, surely you want fair elections decided by your own citizens and not someone in Moscow or Beijing. I am sorry but the amount of omissions, refiled forms, changing stories and these new emails are more than just smoke. It may be a case of the cover up being worse than the actual crime but it is absolutely not a non story. In which world do you see the top 3 people in a campaign taking a meeting without knowing exactly what it would be about, what they had that much time on their hands that they dropped everything? There is no way you wouldn't inform the boss about it either.

    The most pathetic aspect of all this is that the people defending Trump to the end are the same one who are (rightly) asking for Destayari's head. How hypocritical.
    If Bill Clinton was almost impeached for lying about having $ex how on earth can people even have the nerves of calling this a witch hunt.
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