The Church of Man-Made Climate Change on trial, page-142

  1. 9,625 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 531
    oh dear etherazer, if you keep 'thinking' like that it won't matter which planet you're on, as wherever it is it will still be cuckooland.

    once again, to reiterate, to repeat myself, congratulations for bringing science into your realm. a pity more of the others who deny the science of global warming and climate change don't do the same.

    any correct reading of my post doesn't dispute the accuracy of your temperature data. so why did you decide to misunderstand, fail to comprehend, deliberately distort the simple message i posted? just so you could repeat your error, i guess.

    but first, the word proxy is a contraction of procuracy. proxy means something that can be used to represent the value of something else. as you have tried to argue.

    your data my well be correct, i accept it is. but it can't be misconstrued as that is what is happening on Earth, the planet i write from. it only applies to that location.

    what you've done is erroneously to cherry pick and focus on short term data noise rather than long term trends.

    it's straight out of the denialist's handbook, and in terms of the broader debate, meaningless.
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