ITE i.t.& e limited

robbo the robber, page-10

  1. 85 Posts.
    My post has appeared on the ShareTrader forum. It has resulted in some muted comments and caused me to reappraise my original post.

    I wrote my diatribe when my feelings were running hot on the ITE saga. One of my kids drew my attention to ITE months ago and despite my limited knowledge of the IT sector, I counselled her against buying the stock. I was disturbed by all the hype and distorted analysis. Anyway she bought ITE at around 20c and sold out at 14 c last week.

    I was accused by one poster of character assassination and upon re-reading my post I accept this criticism. I did make an unwarranted personal attack on Robbo and I regret having done so. The poster went on to suggest that Robbos colourful posts add entertainment value and are informative. He qualifies this by saying it all boils down to DYOR and the buyer beware philosophy.

    Maybe so - but my view is that we should encourage young folk to get involved in the market and Robbo's activities poison them off at an early stage. My daughter feels angry and let down. Now you could argue that the market is a brutal jungle and only the fittest survive. She chanced her arm and got bitten. A good lesson perhaps.

    The regulatory authorities have striven to make the ASX more transparent and stamp out unethical behaviour. By and large I think they are doing an excellent job. The market will never br squeaky clean but I can tell you it is vastly improved from the old days (eg 1987).

    I like the concept of open forums where everyone can have a say. HC and ST has been hugely informative and helpful to me. I put the nutters on IGNORE and enjoy my daily visits to HC.

    There is a danger however that unprincipled rampers can take advantage of the inexperienced punters who are feeling their way. I strongly feel that Robbo has been guilty of this in the ITE case.

    I would hate to see the forum censorship becoming any more stringent than it is at present. I love the democratic flavour the forum offers - but I do think experienced members have a duty to expose unscrupulous posters. It is simply not good enough to say that DYOR justifies ignoring this chicanery.

    Again I apologise for some of the injudicius comments I made in my original post.
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