BUD 0.00% 0.6¢ buddy technologies ltd

Ann: Notice to investors of Webinar, page-133

  1. 989 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 387
    150 in two months would be 2.5 a day. That's just not possible with their small team. And with a new product such as this they would definitely be hands on with the installs and not just ship the thing to a customer. Plus if any of those are outside of Adelaide or seattle it would mean traveling to do the install. If the digicel deal is any indication, Buddy is looking to partner with other companies who will handle the insalations. Which I think is a smart move. When he spoke of interest that would cover the first production run he was probably talking about digicel, and they haven't installed more than a handful by this point. So expecting or hoping to hear about hundreds of installs is unrealistic. You gotta give digicel a little more time than just a couple weeks. Plus, there's no guarantee Dave will even provide a firm number on units installed. In fact I doubt he will as why would he want to announce to the competition what the sales numbers are? All he's obligated to tell us is the revenue from ohm and there won't be any in this quarterly.
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