First model 3 Teslas delivered, page-30

  1. 12,484 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 483
    Before you start getting concerned about the power 'cost', there is an 8 year pay back period for carbon produced in making the electric car.

    Planet earth is a closed system.

    The electric car is only moving the point at which carbon is released into the system & then tries to peg back the deficit by being more carbon ' friendly' at the user stage.

    I have a big solar power array - haven't paid a power bill for the best part of a decade & happily accept by chq each quarter.
    However cannot go off grid as I expect to live a modern life style. I want my air co / heater, I want to run 3 big screen tv's & computers & Xbox ALL & be able to have the clothes dryer, make a cup of coffee & cook at all the same time. Batteries are a LONG way from being viable.

    Once again the Telsa battery a lovely new shiny that does squat. If I have one Telsa battery, my family & I can all sit around one LED light whilst we are rugged up against the cold as we not dare switch on the heater. Well we could, but we will need to turn of the fridge first...But I want a cup of coffee..

    I need about a dozen of them to build in enough dedundency to be able to not have to count watts & usage.....a big outlay to be green.

    NOBODY want to count watts. we demand, cheap reliable base load power

    Battery technology need a 100 fold density improvement before they are a serious.

    The only reason South Austarlia still has it lights on is that Tarong Power station in Qld has been running at 100% capacity as the solar & wind generators continually fail to supply their rated production capacity...I love how they quote maximum "potential production"...Ask how much power they generated this week or last week, your batteries won't help.

    Cheap base load power from renewable is a pipe dream with current technology.
    Nuclear power will solve all.
    (For the interim)
    Last edited by mudguts: 05/08/17
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