MBK 0.00% 1.5¢ metal bank limited

Ann: Gold Mineralisation Intersected - Eidsvold Project, page-24

  1. 2,568 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 47
    might also draw to your attention the map in Fig.2 around Mt Brady that has drilling intercepts of 1m and 3m with gold grades from 2.3 to 17.4g/T Au all at open pittable depths. "

    You can not be serious if you are suggesting that after 5 holes drilled into Mt Brady prospect with just 1-3m intervals encountered in drill cores will amount to anything mineable?

    I said earlier these are always risk vs reward investment decisions. Metalbank has a market capitalisation of $17m now. I couldn't assign even $1m of value to the company from the Eidsvold prospect after this latest round of drilling. I doubt they could even on sell the tenement for half that amount.
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