AJX 0.00% 1.3¢ alexium international group limited

Ann: Next Webcast Date and Timing of Release of 4C, page-109

  1. 5,165 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 796
    people do get cash flow positive, people also understand lower income, the word "headwinds", a real lack of any clarity of new business income, I have just spent an hour of my life listening about stuff on product development rather than the focus on how new business is being generated (its all when & good mentioning Europe - but again no talk of contract wins)....
    I really don't care about the technicals, I care about income, profits & a share price that has been terrible for 2 years & how this has been recognised & how this is being fixed......
    For me, this was just a glorified infomercial, I didn't come away any clearer about the year ahead
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