Why Study the Bible?, page-43

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    "I know this, it's a kind of mantra of yours.
    Humans don't change.
    Was, is and will be.
    No evidence for any kind of social or spiritual advancement."

    I can see why a cursory glance at some of my offerings might leave that impression but it doesn't tell anything like the full story which to be extracted would require many bottles of expensive lubricant and ideal conditions.

    However, for the record ..
    I don't do mantras.

    IMO whilst an individual Human has the possibility of change, the time scale and purpose of the human race as a species means it is unlikely to change in the way you hope. "Modern" Humans have been around for perhaps 200,000 yrs or more, during which time there have been multiple major disruptions to hospitable life conditions.
    I don't buy the proposition that it is only in the last 10,000 yrs that Humanity has progressed to so called civilization.

    In a particular culture if there were enough "changed" individuals and voluntary acknowledgement from the people of the merit of such individuals, then that particular culture could indeed exhibit both "social and spiritual advancement". This has occurred in the past and no doubt will again be possible in the future.It is always and only ever temporary and must inevitably fall back ... what goes up must come down .... though not necessarily in the same place.

    I don't see any evidence of such advancement in the current epoch. In fact the main direction seems one of increasing human fragmentation and division whilst the global antics of soul-less corporate organizations and their servants gives a counterfeit impression of a coming together. Also, for every anecdotal story of a small group who may feel a sense of common humanity, there are many more of standard tribalism, hatred and intolerance and this is easily manipulated when needed.

    Basic human emotions and natural bodily requirements show no sign of any significant change in the recorded history available. A human from ancient Egypt if brought up from birth in our culture would no doubt be indistinguishable from anyone else as regards those human characteristics. These things have not changed except perhaps for the worse.

    "..... but eventually we will tire of the misery and bloodshed."
    If only this were true.
    Unfortunately, in general humans have very poor memories, a desire to forget unpleasant experiences and don't live long enough to acquire any sort of long term view. History shows that even cultures don't learn from mistakes let alone the human species.

    Not surprising that the illusory lifeboats that most religions, politicians and these days "the Science" promise are never short of would be passengers. It's a very reliable business.

    There, that wasn't so bad .. was it.
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