GWR 0.00% 8.9¢ gwr group limited

sp manipulation again, page-17

  1. 186 Posts.
    we will have new drivers the fairstar board,thats why we need the merger to happen.i'm sure they want to make as much money as we do!! obviously they know what they are doing no matter how dodgy it might look at the moment.can we just hurry up and get it over with so we can start releasing some serious announcements!! can you imagine whats going to happen when the new company lets all the cats out the bag??? it's going to be massive and about will still be mainly a gwr project based company.Does it really matter if fairstar are taking over gwr or we are taking over them,it's all the same thing!!
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3 209962 8.5¢

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8.9¢ 224268 3
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Last trade - 16.12pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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