The day and hour, page-443

  1. 24,703 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And then He will send forth the angels, and will gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven''

    I put it to you, Mr Wotsup, that the verse says what it says and means what it means and its meaning is clear....with no need for an interpretation by Mr Wotsup the resident expert in Greek interpretation and juggling unrelated references.

    Clearly your not seeing what is right under your nose, no way.
    8:38 - Whoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and sinful (not abiding in the above verses 8:34-38) and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
    9:1 AND he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, that there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. They saw it, unquestionably, read Acts.

    The verse you quote or part thereof and it's surrounding verses in NO WAY relate or are part of this same event in the ref I give = Just no way are they.
    My ref are an event well before the ones you quoting, and had you put aside you contradiction god for two seconds as read what "you" consider irrelevant, you "may" have noticed the "obvious"?
    Where does my ref even hint at gathering the elect and judgement of ALL as the surrounding verses on your ref/topic discusses?
    It says nothing of a sort, because your trying to align two different subjects.

    Luke 17:20 The kingdom is within you. Had you read the surrounding verses of this passage, it becomes very clear that the kingdom come will not be a literal seeing as you ref/subject shows, will be.

    Now you keep Banging on about how this doesn't work or that = Because your trying to align two entirely different events, so naturally it will not make sense.
    Your pulling on verses around 5 chapters away, that in itself should be telling you something, or at least draw attention to see if they are the one subject.

    I'm not kidding, I find it rather astounding, you name it,,,,,,,, that DBT is not seeing an obvious?
    I'm lost for words to describe it?

    It's not a matter of interpretation either, just stop bring in irrelevant passages as you are doing into the picture.
    So therefore - the verse Mark 8:34-38 9:1 says what it says and means what it means and its meaning is clear, to "some".
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