israel puts bulldozers on remote, page-27

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    denman israel puts bulldozers on remote Why do you admire and support principles such as ethnic cleansing and Hitler’s Germany that sought ethnic purity and exclusivity? Your arguments concerning indigenous peoples also follows this particular theme.


    Your analogy is obscene....without a doubt.

    Were Geramg's Jews pursuing murderous homicide bombings against anyone.....anyone at all? Were they trying to prise an aotonomous state for themselves based on some mythical piece of nonsence?

    Germay's Jews were loyal citizens who Hitler used as a scapegoat for Germany's ills.

    His ethnic cleansing didn't only extend to Jews....It extended to anyone whom he thought was not desirable to contribute to his Ayryan race theories....It even included the sick and the misformed of his society, including Germans who were not Jewish.....nor did they belong to any ethnic group. They simply did not meet his standards.

    To apply this rationale to what's going on in Israel....where the Jews are faced with daily teror attacks.....means that either you are a bloody ignorant fool....that is if you made those comments due to a fundamental lack of knowledge. If on the other hand you made than analogy deliberately.....knowing full well that the circumstances are entirely different, then I put you in the same class as Fullguy and my discussion ends with you on this and now.

    For the record......There is no intent to ethnically cleanse any group in Israel.......However we will make life as difficult as possible to anyone who is commited to our destruction....and as over 60% of Palestinians support the use of terror against Jews.......they will pay the price for that support........the price will be that we will make it as difficult as possible for them to carry our their threats and if in the process life becomes unbearable for them and they choose to be it.

    If they choose to stay....they either drop their murderous ways, sit down and talk.....control their thuggish gangs.....stop playing good cop bad cop games.....forget the revolving doors and demonstarte that they wish to become a law abiding society based on democratic principles.

    Until they do that..........they will suffer.

    And the more terror acts they carry out, the greater the suffering we will make for them.

    We have no intention of easing restrictions, just so that they can use that easing to carry out more of their threats.

    And if that meanas that at the end of the day.....every house in Gaza will be demolished.......and the same in Ramallah...........and they leave en be it.

    They brought it upon themselves.

    Now you tell me if the Jews in Germany behaved as these animals have?

    And re our ingdiginous folk.....till you give back your stolen quarter acre block......keeep your nanlogies to yourself...........and stop pretending that you are not a hippocrite.

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