Frank Turek PhD..., page-27

  1. 11,979 Posts.
    he died and rose in that same Body but now immortal and as the Bible states that Man Jesus is exulted and at the RHS of God. So in that sense, the same today, yesterday and forever and "that" is very clear and No hint whatsoever that it is only referring to the Spiritual.
    Wotsup, what you are claiming makes no sense. How can a body that died be immortal and be the same? How can a man sit at the RHS of God when we are told : " No man has seen God at any time; " - John 1:18.
    How can he be exulted exalted if he is a man that is a " little lower than angels" still? - Psalm 8:5 . Did his Father refuse his request?
    (John 17:5) So now, Father, glorify me at your side with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was.
    Does the fact that angels can materialize make them men? Does the fact Jesus appeared in a body of flesh prove he is not a spirit person? Can the statement Jesus is " the same today, yesterday and forever ", refer to a physical sense when Jesus went from a spirit to a child that grew to a man and then died? Or does it not rather speak of his steadfast loyalty to God?
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