syria iraqi refugee crisis, page-5

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    I've pretty much given up on Western
    culture's capacity for self-correction.

    What ever God or Karma has in store
    for us (by way of just retribution) we
    deserve 100 times over for all the
    misery our culture has caused to
    millions and millions of innocent
    men, women and children.

    That said, it's always better to
    light a candle than curse the
    darkness and ignorance
    of a Prime Minister who
    tried to ban this memorial
    (in Canberra's Weston Park)
    to 353 refugees who drowned
    while Australia's 'radar' was
    deliberately switched off.

    The tall poles are in honour
    of adult refugees who drowned
    and the shorter poles are in
    honour of the children who
    drowned while seeking refuge
    on the over-crowded SIEV-X:

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