mainwaring mixture of drugs in body, page-6

  1. 445 Posts.
    Yikes! You are being serious arent you? I agree that tough treatment of terrorists and illegal drug dealers is necessary, but even an astute investor like yourself has to ask as some what cost?

    An endless military campaign in the middle east is bankrupting the US economy and recruiting more terrorists along the way, its that simple. If GW and little Johnie think that keeping our troops over there killing islamic terrorists (oh yeah and the odd innocent Iraqi - hell this is war people) indefinitely is worthwhile, then they are kidding themselves, but not us. Whats's even worse than bankrupting our economies (look at the price of oil) is the cost of our personal freedoms and liberties, which we take for granted. Some of us will gladly live behind barbed wire clutching the remote control to our 69 inch plasma TVs and carry personal Tasers in our turbo diesel 4WDs to keep you safe.

    The parallels with the war on drugs are inescapable. Have a look at the budgets of the DEA and AFP. Billions wasted and jails overflowing, and guess what, just as many drugs being taken. Peoples freedoms being removed slowly but surely. And sadly forever lost. I look forward to a change in the US and here and remove policies that give all power to the military and police to determine how "safe" we will be and stop deluding ourselves that we can simply kill off or imprison all terrorists and drug dealers.

    And my friend Ha Ng was against the death penalty
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