Frank Turek PhD..., page-77

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    1 Cor 15:51-52 Behold I show YOU a mystery; (abracadabra) We shall not all sleep (die), but we shall all be changed (not die).
    In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,.........................
    Wotsup, we shall all be changed = not the same body.
    What must happen first? = You unreasonable person! What you sow is not made alive unless first it dies.
    Paul had already made that clear in verse 36.

    I notice you left out the following verse Mr G, I call that - Half Truths.

    1 Thes 4:17 Then we which "are alive" and remain shall be caught up together with them (those that died) in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the clouds.
    Nothing whatsoever about having to die first = Zero.

    The tombs, the graves will be opened up = If the seed (body) that was sown is not to be raised up and transformed and it is only a Spirit, then what the jeepers are the grave being opened up for???

    Jesus rose with that "same body" tomb was opened and "that same" body had the wounds on it, yep that "same body".
    Surely your NOT going to suggest he just did abracadabra and made them look like wounds so they would believe?
    If so, that would be misleading and deceptive conduct as that would be implying/adding to the Bible.

    The seed is sown and that "same" seed is transformed.
    Sown perishable and raised imperishable.
    "It" is sown in decay, "it" is raised in immortality = "Same body".
    "It" is sown a body natural, "it" is raised a body spiritual = Same body and a spiritual body is NOT a Spirit.

    So what it amounts to is - You don't believe what Jesus said - A Spirit does NOT have flesh and bone.
    Here is another point against your claim,,,,, Jesus was a Spirit before Mary;
    1 Cor 15:46 Greek - However not first was the Spiritual (ref to Jesus) "but" the the natural (Adam), then the Spiritual (Jesus).
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