john howard did not win the debate, page-11

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    rubbish - ???

    Howard has run this country well for the past 11 years.
    And yes, he DID have to spend the first few years cleaning up Labor's fiscal mess.

    He has come into the 21st century with Australia - in decidely different and more dramatic world-wide events atmosphere than any other Prime Minister has ever had to contend with. He is not only PM - he is world statesman to a degree that no Prime Mionister has ever had to be evern in our history. He is virtually doing a double job - and what thanks is he getting??

    He is not perfect. I am not suggesting he is.
    But at least he carries himself with dignity - and we are not ashamed of him when he represents us overseas - just as Downer is a star performer too in terms of representing your country with class and decorum.
    IT is something to be proud of - to have representaives of this personal character and calibre. He gets paid peanuts - yet he works hard 24/7 - always on call.
    And people want to vote him out - for what!!l

    Yes, Howard can go for the jugular in Parliament - where he is a formidable performer (whilst Rudd sits and doodles - or turns his back on him).
    You could never accuse Howard of sheer petty sneering, or sarcastic personal nastiness - which Rudd whinges about - but hypocritically constantly indulges in himself - and has been for months.

    Yes, Ruud, and Gillard, have absolutely no qualms about getting down and dirty. (Does she ever have a sneer off her face - or out of her voice??) They go on ad nuaseum about dirty campaigning, which they are experts at themselves.

    Then Hawke is wheeled in as "cavalry" into Bennelong - and, walking around hand in hand with McKew, (who to her discredit tolerated this garbage) walks around telling ethnic citizens - "Don't vote for Howard - he's a racist!!" How pathetic! And disgraceful. And a personal character slur from one PM to another.

    Cant get much dirtier than that - and typical Hawke!
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