election sleeper could unseat howard, page-7

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    BillyBongo claims my position on Howard is:

    "you are acknowledging that this country
    is doing very well financially under
    Howard and a mining boom."

    That's the complete opposite of my position.

    My position on Howard is:

    I acknowledge that this country is doing very
    well but Howard had nothing to do with it.

    Howard and Costello's relation to the mining boom
    is the same relation that two blood-bloated
    cattle ticks have to a Brahmin bull.

    Even if he had economic credentials
    (other than as a tax-fat parasite)
    Howard shoving kidnapped girls
    into electrified Ruddock cages
    so grown men can feel safe
    at night consigns Howard
    to the putrid carnivorium
    of totalitarian history.

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