costello just slaughtered, page-3

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    HA HA - my husband and I just watched this and said how well held Costell just did!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - as is political persuasion. And bias. (And there's plenty of that to be had on the good 'ol AB &C !) It reeks of bias - and all a one way direction. They have made an art form of it!!

    A la O'Brien's nasty question/statement - "the worm doesn't seem to like you."

    Real below the belt, nasty, journalism. How low down can'you get? Are to we conclude, then, that Rudd permeates sex appeal?? roflmao!

    Would they ever day such to Rudd - like "people think you're a twerp - or a self satisfied nerd?" No they wouldn't.

    Well, we can't stand Rudd either - but we live with it.
    And will have to if he gets in - and he will bore the socks off us interminably with his glib and smart a++e droning on and on - but we'll have to live with that to.
    Think we'll be hiring a lot more DVD's if that nightmare eventuates. And playing a lot more music. Which we should be doing anyway.

    As Costello said - "do people really want Swann to run a $30 trillion economy - which I've run well for the past 11 years." Well do you???
    Some of yopu would say yes even if it was Atilla the Hun!

    Putting Labor in is a bit like letting rampaging kids loose in a candy store -they're always very good at spending money others have worked hard to accumulate.
    The whole lot'd be gone very early on. And then watch interest rates - and house prices - and job losses. (As evidenced in Labor State governments - State Libs ALWAYS have to come in and clean up lots of messes after Labor's been "in".)

    It's a vicious circle really - Libs make the money - Labor gets in and spends it all and messes up - then the Libs bring in the bucket and mop and clean up after them! Then they restore the economy then all the "time for a changers" vote the other side in again.

    And through all this, Australia is suffering. And will suffer again, under Rudd. From dreadful boredom - if nothing else. God he's boring!! Much too goody goody to be true.

    We need a steady hand at the helm. And it's for sure we don't need Rudd/Swann's!
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