costello just slaughtered, page-35

  1. 11,223 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    You may need to seek professional help, you appear to be paranoid over the smallest things

    whining about H/C having it in for you becuase they delete a few of your posts

    Now I am supposed to hate you because of politely pointing out your very biased views.

    Nothing to do with hate Cortis, sorry but you are not worth getting that worked up over, just pointing out facts and reality

    Just as pointing out the facts and reality about the libs has nothing to do with hate.

    I do not hate the liberals and in fact have veted for them since Hewsons fight back. But they have now been there to long, thye have no real vision for the future, their lies and arrogance are catching up to them (as it does most governments that have been in power to long Lib or Lab) and it is time for them to go

    Labor maybe better they may not, if they are not I will be likely voting for the libs next time around provided during their time in opposition they have lost some of the arrogance and cleaned out the dead wood.

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