pauline and david are out....., page-76

  1. 4,217 Posts.
    re: georgie-girl...pauline and david are out..... Its interesting to go back over past history and reflect on Hansons comments.

    Despite the tag of racist nazi, i think its a throwaway line that as Goebbels said " A lie repeated often enough becomes fact".

    In fact the evidence just simply isnt there.

    Is she correct on the haphazard immigration policies that gave us ethnic ghettoes . Look at the mess we have now......... and were lucky, dont expect Europe to survive its folly , its a goner.
    France, Belguim, Holland Denmark are all facing internal civil strife within the next 50 years as the "indigineous people " lol............. become a minority.
    Being outbred by it future rulers fuelled by a medieval cultist religion.

    Was there massive waste in ATSIC. Were the funds dispensed according to need or greed?

    Is it preferable to have a nation of traditional tribes pushing their own barrows or an integrated society all pulling in the same direction?

    Was she wrong about youth unemployment, or that 12 year olds shouldnt be roaming the streets at 2 am.
    Natasha thought that was fine. The epitome of an over educated idiot.

    Remember when she asked the aboriginal leader on Palm Island " if youre so in touch with the land , why do you keep throwing your rubbish all over it.
    How obvious a question was that, and she was correct 100%.

    I always wondered why she was a racist when the staff she employed were of all nationalities.
    The ON member for Wide Bay had a Laotian wife.
    Pasquarelli was of italian extraction.
    The guy in my corner store was Syrian and was an avid supporter, so was the greek dude in the shop next door.

    There was nothing racist in her attitude, she wanted Australians, not colonisers. The racists who had their own agenda came out of the woodwork after that, with threats , both economic and political , all run along racial lines.

    As she said at one of her meetings to the effect , "if you come to australia to be Australians , i welcome you with open arms , if you are coming to set up a society like you just left, i will be the first to help escort you to the airport.
    Hansons problem was she spoke out when everyone else was cowering under the Dictator Keatings threat of discrimination and prosecution for saying what you thought. In fact Hanson far from being right wing, was closer to the Old Labor Party policies of Caldwell than the liberals. She attracted support across both conservative and labor lines.

    Howard knew it, she saw her as a stalking horse, he let her take all the flak.
    That was Hansons attraction, dumb you might say but she had some guts, unfortunately the fame went to her head and destroyed her, with a bit of help from Tony Abbott and a few planted stooges.

    Do i want to see Hanson as PM? way...but we need people like her to take on the system , and thats what she got crucified for.

    Nazi, fascist,i dont think so.

    For nazis and fascists ytou have to look further, look to who turned her into the first political prisoner in this country.

    Look to the lunatics who harassed old people simply because they dared to attend her meetings.
    Pelted with fruit, urine,abused and assaulted.

    And Free speech, ...........drowned out by chanting and bullhorns. that sounds democratic.

    If you want nazis and fascists , its too late theyre already here in the form of the establishment and the rent a crowd.

    These thugs could teach Ernsts Roem and the brownshirts a lesson or two in terrorism and thuggery.

    So once again , as i said, i would not want her to be in the top job, but she is needed to speak for a lot of people who dont get a voice and to say the things that are politically incorrect..

    Im happy to see One Nation or a derivative of it pick up a few Seats in both houses, we obviously need some balance against the Greens. If the Greens have their way, we'd all be living under thatched roofs, riding bicycles with roof racks and heart bypass patients would be waiting in a queue while priority was given to far more important surgery like sex change operations and Medibank for Vets.

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