I see no problem...
world at large will have a taste for both bland heterosexual cakes, and prettier homosexual ones too. Buyers are free to buy what they want.
What greater reading do you wish to make of it.
Here's an interesting situation.
Say I sell screwdrivers to the world at large. Later I learn that my gay clientele have acquired a taste to use their purchased screwdriver handles as dildos.
Being a devout Quakerist sort of Xgnostic - I thus decide to no longer sell that screwdriver to the world (I may choose to stock a more uncomfortable type) , can the buyer INSIST I continue stocking their favourite foul fetish product.
I am I bound or worse, compelled, in a free society, to continue selling those evil screwdrivers?
This is the Foucaultian hell of the nouveau normative GOOD. Lessons well learnt from that other GOOD, the Spanish inquisition.