Leonardo' painting of "Salvator Mundi" ( Saviour of the World) was bought by a Saudi Prince.
While this would seem a trivial thing in regards to world events there is something EXTREMELY interesting in my opinion.
1) This is a dipiction of Jesus a Jew and a symbol of Christianity.
2)Majority of Muslims hate Jews ( from what I've seen) and for a Muslim prince to buy this painting and set a world record price is incredible!
3) Muslims are against depictions of Christianity and drawings/photos of religious figures!
4) For this painting to reside in an Arab country would be incredible!
5) The title is also adverse to Arabs since they don't believe in Jesus and so therefore to accept the title
"Saviour of the World" may acknowledge some inadequately of their own beliefs of Islam!(IMO).
I say well done for buying the painting and it may show some true softening in the heart of Saudi Arabia towards other faiths!