howards lies how many has he told, page-5

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    think so?? yes but at least he's not constantly licking them!!

    those lip-lickers - they're the ones you have to watch!
    (calculating little blighters!)

    And he doesn't devour his ear wax on camera either!

    He's a great bloke our John!!

    And long may he reign!!

    He's been a great PM - and will continue being a great PM. A true Statesman of finest quality. Whom we can be proud of.
    And NOT a sneerer like Keating, Hawke, Gillard and Rudd. (They have sneering down to an art form!)

    You can all chip away at him and hate him all you like! But you can't deny the glaring obvious - that things have been good - for you and yours - for the past 11 years!!

    Go Johnny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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