liar liar pants on fire - again!!, page-29

  1. 3,439 Posts.
    Quite so yak. You taking steroids or something?

    This piece (from a Scottish newspaper) summarizes some of the information that points toward Israeli prior knowledge of the 9/11 atrocities. Most of this information became public in 2001 but has since sunk into the memory hole. It’s simply taboo. Since simply pointing out the neoconservatives’ leading role in the war on Iraq brings on the lethal charge of "anti-Semitism," even though all of the evidence comes from published sources, it is clear that it would be absolutely verboten to move into more secretive areas. Obviously, the circumstantial evidence of an Israeli connection to 9/11 is strong; in fact, I would say it is obvious. The fact that Israelis, with apparent Mossad connections, managed to take photographs from across the Hudson River of the jet liners hitting the Twin Towers and that Israeli spies (some posing as "art students") lived in close proximity to the 9/11 Islamic terrorists obviously points to some connection. [See my essay on the subject from April 2002, "The Israeli spy ring and September 11," ]

    As the following article points out: "But there is more than a little circumstantial evidence to show that Mossad – whose motto is ‘By way of deception, thou shalt do war’ – was spying on Arab extremists in the USA and may have known that September 11 was in the offing, yet decided to withhold vital information from their American counterparts which could have prevented the terror attacks."

    Now this article states that Israeli intelligence simply knew about the attacks, not that Israel in any way facilitated such attacks. The intrepid Justin Raimondo made a more reasonable assessment of the information when he wrote: "At the very least, the mechanics of what is obviously a covert operation directed by Israel imply a certain degree of foreknowledge. At worst, the details of this complex and by-no-means completely uncovered spy ring may wind up pointing to active (albeit one-sided) Israeli collusion with the mass murderers of 9/11. While the first conclusion is a virtual certainty, the second is, admittedly, speculation. What's scary is that such theorizing is not without a certain basis in fact." [ ]

    There is an old adage that when a crime is committed, the first question to be asked is 'Cui bono? Obviously, Israel has been the big beneficiary from 911.

    The neocons began the effort to implement the war on Iraq immediately after 911 took place. Was it simply a case of serendipity? Would Israel allow such an event to take place, if it were aware of it? Would Israel dare to try to facilitate such an event?

    For years stories have circulated that Israeli agents--especially its foreign intelligence agency the Mossad--have infiltrated Arab terrorist networks and have sometimes actually been involved in deceptive terrorist activities intended to appear as the work of Arabs. For example, it has been alleged that the Mossad had thoroughly infiltrated the nefarious terrorist group Abu Nidal and even facilitated some of its terrorist activities for Israel's benefit. [Patrick Seale, Abu Nidal: A Gun for Hire (New York: Random House, 1992)]

    In the notorious Lavon Affair, Israel's deceptive terrorism was actually acknowledged by the Israeli government. In July 1954 Egypt was plagued by a series of bomb outrages directed mainly against American and British property in Cairo and Alexandria. It was generally assumed that this was the work of Arab nationalists, which had the effect of heightening tensions at a time when Egypt was negotiating with Britain over the evacuation of its military bases in the Suez Canal Zone. Egyptian police were able to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring, consisting of Israeli and Egyptian Jews. Israel responded to the spy scandal by declaring it an "anti-Semitic" lie. As the public trial progressed, it was evident that Israel had indeed been behind the bombing. Eventually, the spying was admitted in Israel and Israeli's Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon was brought down by the scandal, although he may have largely been a scapegoat.

    The belief that Israel might engage in such deceptive terrorism against the United States was expressed in a 2001 study by the Army's School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). A poignant reference to this study appeared in a front page article in the Washington Times on September 10, 2001, one day before the horrific attack The article read: "Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: 'Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.'" [ ]

    Since significant circumstantial evidence points to a connection with Israel, one might think it would be investigated thoroughly. But, of course, such an investigation is precluded by the "anti-Semitic" taboo. Note that this whole story is much too dangerous for the American media and any investigative reporter to handle. Contrast this with all the publicity given to wild charges about Saddam’s possession of WMD or his connection to al-Qaeda. As a matter of fact, evidence of Israeli malevolence is even too taboo to be investigated thoroughly by organs of the US government—as was the case of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, in which in which 35 American sailors were killed, Therefore, it would seem that the fear of being caught would not exist to deter Israel from engaging in actions harmful to the US. The only thing that would possibly restrain Israel would be some love for the United States. But, of course, such "love," did not prevent Israel from attacking the Liberty nor of selling American intelligence secrets obtained from Pollard to the Soviet Union, which endangered (and, in fact, cost) American lives. In short, Israel is willing to take measures destructive of American lives to advance its own interests.
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